OK, Beatles haters...I know you lurk here...but seriously

Tommy was born with a guitar in his hands. Colin was born with the gift to make people laugh.
I posit that Beatle haters are like Dave Matthews Band haters. To clarify, I'm not comparing the bands, just the mentality that feeds the disdain or hatred.

So, folks that hate DMB invariably talk about their audience or the haters' perception of their audience of date-rapy frat boys and the women who make excuses for them. They rarely discuss the music and more rarely do they speak about the music intelligently. Similarly, many folks can't reconcile the unavoidable pervasiveness of the Beatles influence on almost every genre of popular music...rock, jazz, R&B, country, and their various subgenres. It's more that they hate their omniscience rather than their music. And if you really listen to their catalog, there's pratically something for almost everyone to like. You don't have to like all of it by any means. I love them, but don't own or listen to anything earlier than HELP. But not liking something, even one song, smacks of not really listening.

All that said, people like what they like and don't what don't (or won't). If you don't hear something right away, it's not required that you pour through an entire catalog to either find something to like or validate your lack of enjoyment of a given artist or band. I think Colin sounds great, but I don't think is going to convert anyone.
i don't like DMB.....because i don't like his music......it's depressing....and often sorta whiny.

Totally respect that perspective. I don't agree with it, but it's cool.

This reminds me that I was listening to Living Colour's Stain yesterday. I absolutely love the band and that album might be my favorite, but it is a dark album. Vernon's playing and the music are just stellar, but the subject matter and lyrics are definitely not coming from a happy place. I was thinking of starting a thread about dark albums, but didn't...

We're in a bit of financial difficulty so I found I needed to listen to something upbeat...your avatar is where I should have gone, but I went elsewhere...decidedly less fun or happy than some of my favorite material from Joe.
Totally respect that perspective. I don't agree with it, but it's cool.

This reminds me that I was listening to Living Colour's Stain yesterday. I absolutely love the band and that album might be my favorite, but it is a dark album. Vernon's playing and the music are just stellar, but the subject matter and lyrics are definitely not coming from a happy place. I was thinking of starting a thread about dark albums, but didn't...

We're in a bit of financial difficulty so I found I needed to listen to something upbeat...your avatar is where I should have gone, but I went elsewhere...decidedly less fun or happy than some of my favorite material from Joe.

ok...so this should make you smile, at the very least......or LOL. :grin:
I posit that Beatle haters are like Dave Matthews Band haters. To clarify, I'm not comparing the bands, just the mentality that feeds the disdain or hatred.

So, folks that hate DMB invariably talk about their audience or the haters' perception of their audience of date-rapy frat boys and the women who make excuses for them. They rarely discuss the music and more rarely do they speak about the music intelligently. Similarly, many folks can't reconcile the unavoidable pervasiveness of the Beatles influence on almost every genre of popular music...rock, jazz, R&B, country, and their various subgenres. It's more that they hate their omniscience rather than their music. And if you really listen to their catalog, there's pratically something for almost everyone to like. You don't have to like all of it by any means. I love them, but don't own or listen to anything earlier than HELP. But not liking something, even one song, smacks of not really listening.

All that said, people like what they like and don't what don't (or won't). If you don't hear something right away, it's not required that you pour through an entire catalog to either find something to like or validate your lack of enjoyment of a given artist or band. I think Colin sounds great, but I don't think is going to convert anyone.

My Doctorate thesis is on Why People Hate DMB?

A great rhythm section, great guitarists, an escape from straight 4/4 bone head rock, a violinist for sonic diversity, but melodic and introspective songwriting is impaled by dumb college bro fans who play hacky sack.

The End.
My Doctorate thesis is on Why People Hate DMB?

A great rhythm section, great guitarists, an escape from straight 4/4 bone head rock, a violinist for sonic diversity, but melodic and introspective songwriting is impaled by dumb college bro fans who play hacky sack.

The End.

i won't argue.... dave is a very good player, and he has a very good band, but i just don't like the songs. that's all. i'm not saying others shouldn't listen to DMB.....just not for me.
i won't argue.... dave is a very good player, and he has a very good band, but i just don't like the songs. that's all. i'm not saying others shouldn't listen to DMB.....just not for me.

No need to distance yourself with fear of being misunderstood. I actually think it's a fascinating topic. I've had this discussion a few times with people IRL. I think DMB has some really great songs and I listen to them when I listen to them and enjoy them. But there's something about them that keeps me from completely being won over. It's very odd.

I don't even know any college bro dude hacky sack rapists, but there's something mysterious about DMB that keeps me from fully crossing over as a fan. I love this tune though.

Similarly, many folks can't reconcile the unavoidable pervasiveness of the Beatles influence on almost every genre of popular music...rock, jazz, R&B, country, and their various subgenres.

I'm a Beatles fan, but their influence on jazz was barely a footnote, much less pervasive.

Which isn't to say that jazz musicians aren't well-listened fans.

Flash-forward to Jammity posting Grant Green vids.
I've had this discussion a few times with people IRL. I think DMB has some really great songs and I listen to them when I listen to them and enjoy them. But there's something about them that keeps me from completely being won over. It's very odd.

I feel exactly the same way about DMB.....you articulated it well.
I'm a Beatles fan, but their influence on jazz was barely a footnote, much less pervasive.

Which isn't to say that jazz musicians aren't well-listened fans.

Flash-forward to Jammity posting Grant Green vids.

I'm referring to things like Maniari's Beatle tribute discs, Frisell's Lennon album, Blue Does the Beatles, and countless covers from jazz musicians of all ages and generations. Although for some it's probably similar to a guitar mag putting Hendrix on the cover and selling more issues than they have in months or years, I think the vast majority of recording their tunes is coming from respect and appreciation of their music. Many of the great jazz guitarists, bassists, and drummers of the last couple of generations have stated their influence for picking up the instruments. Plenty of piano and horn players talk about how much they love the tunes. The Beatles' music may not be reflected in jazz playing or composition, but it touched and still touches a significant number of players. That said songcraft influences songcraft and the exploratory nature of the Beatles music was certainly progressive in nature. That is clear kinship with jazz and may have lead a kid in a garage band to go from banging out three or four chord tunes to stretching their ears to the point of starting to appreciate more complex music.

As we all know, not everything that influences us comes out in our playing. When it comes to the Beatles, some people still revere it too much to even consider playing it.
I have long loved the Beatles, so no issue there. About DMB, I feel like some of the others. I do like some of the stuff, and find some good music and musicianship. But something holds me back from fully committing. Not saying it is about frat boy fan whatever, seeing as I have never been to a concert. But something.
Why would anyone hate the Beatles?
Anyone who does not bow down at the altar of the fab 4 (+1) seems to be labeled a hater.

I can't recall anyone actually posting that. For me, I acknowledge their amazing songwriting talents and of course their roll in music history. But they were a pop band, not THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND OF ALL TIME. And frankly I lost a bit of respect for them when they just became unwilling to play live. Who does that? Even Steely Dan played live, and they weren't even a 'band' per se. I don't want to hear about how they couldn't play over the screams of their fans, like a few of the faithful proclaim. You are the most popular band in the world, but you are above playing the arrangements live on stage?

But I don't hate them, just have a different soundtrack to my life. For years i didn't own any Beatles music (last one i bought when it came out was Wings 'band on the run') though I have most of their albums on my computer now. I rarely have any desire to listen to them though. idn_smilie

Now lets see who's hating.
I'm a Beatles fan, but their influence on jazz was barely a footnote, much less pervasive.

Which isn't to say that jazz musicians aren't well-listened fans.

Flash-forward to Jammity posting Grant Green vids.

You're infamous for diminishing the contributions of musicians you only read about. The Beatles were covered by a lot of jazz guys who wanted a new car. Al DiMeola's new car is fabulous.